Salford Thrive Plan
Salford Thrive Plan 2023-2024

The Salford Thrive Plan 2023-24 is our integrated local transformation plan (LTP) for children’s emotional health and wellbeing. The plan sets out the over-arching work programme and priorities for children and young people’s emotional and mental health over the next 12 months.
To view please see the downloadable section at the bottom of the page.
Since 2015, it has been a statutory requirement that all Integrated Care Partnerships (ICP) produce and publish an annual update to their local transformation plans.
The Thrive Plan also shows the progress against our plan 2023-24 and priorities agreed for 2024-25.
Salford’s Thrive programme is focused on enabling as many young people to ‘Thrive’ as possible. This is done by supporting the whole system with improved understanding and awareness of children’s emotional health and wellbeing / mental health needs. Along with focusing on improving the confidence of the whole workforce in identifying needs and helping young people and / or managing risk support.
Salford City Council and Salford ICP are fully committed to working together to improve the mental health of our young people, and have established joint governance and integrated commissioning arrangements to oversee and support the Salford Thrive work programme.
The Thrive Partnership acts as the ‘expert reference group’ and is responsible for shaping priorities and for supporting implementation of the Thrive plan.
The Salford Thrive Plan 2024 is available in the downloadable documents section at the bottom of the page.
Salford Mental Health All Age Integrated Commissioning Strategy 2019-2024
Supporting good mental health in Salford has always been a high priority. As a city facing challenges around poverty, physical health and education, we have similar challenges around the number of people with emotional wellbeing and mental health needs.
The new, all age mental health strategy will set out our plans for 2019-2024 and will focus on emotional wellbeing and mental health throughout people’s lives, including children and young people, adults and older adults. It is based on a new needs assessment and extensive engagement with people who have personal experience of mental health problems, carers and staff.
This strategy aims to drive forward our approaches to supporting mental health within the wider care system and to guide our approach to supporting good emotional wellbeing throughout our local communities.
Downloadable documents
2024 update:
Previous updates:
- Salford Thrive Plan 2023 - 2024 (Word, 47,048kb)
- Salford Thrive Finance 2023 - 24 (Excel, 19kb)
- Salford Thrive Plan 2022 - 2023 (Word, 1,631kb)
- Salford Thrive Plan 2022 - 2023 Summary (Word, 41kb
- Salford Thrive Plan 2021-22 (PDF, 1.6mb)
- CAMHS Transformation Plan 2015-20 Summary (PDF, 191kb)
- CAMHS Transformation Plan 2015-2020 (PDF, 1.5mb)
- Salford Thrive Plan - March 2020 Update (PDF, 2.3mb)
- CAMHS Transformation Plan - March 2019 Update (PDF, 1.1mb)
- CAMHS Transformation Plan 2019 Summary (PDF, 116kb)
- CAMHS Transformation Plan - March 2018 Update (PDF, 999kb)
- CAMHS Transformation Plan Summary - March 2018 (PDF, 368kb)
- CAMHS Transformation Plan - March 2017 Update (PDF, 931kb)
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