Salford Thrive Partnership
Salford Thrive (EHWB) Partnership works to make the Emotional Health & Wellbeing Strategy a reality.
Main aims of the partnership:
- To champion and implement Salford's Ambitions for children and young people's emotional health and wellbeing, including:
- Improved awareness and understanding amongst the public and professionals about children and young people's emotional and mental health.
- Children and young people in Salford have timely access to effective child-centred emotional and mental health support when they need it.
- Targeted support for the most vulnerable, and improved care for children and young people in crisis.
- Parental support and programmes for those who need it.
- Transparency and accountability across the whole system.
- Children and young people have a voice
- To actively promote emotional health and wellbeing, and support the joint 0-25 Integration and CAMHS Transformation Communications and Engagement Plan.
- To support and promote self help, early help and early intervention to address difficulties.
- To enable appropriate and timely access to specialist services using a 'right person; right place and right time' standard.
- To target Salford's most vulnerable children and young people.
- To engage and involve children, young people and their parents/carers in opportunities to influence the commissioning and delivery of services, listening to their views.
- To support the development of services and pathways for children and young people up to the age 25 years, including effective transition arrangements between services and throughout the life course
Salford's Emotional Health and Wellbeing Ambitions
Salford young people had the opportunity to tell us what they wanted to see from services. An online survey was circulated and an engagement event took place to gather experiences, views and expectations on services for children and young people's emotional health.
The following 'We Statements' have been developed from the consultation and will underpin our Ambitions for Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Salford.
Chair and membership
Chair: Debbie Blackburn, Director of Public Health, Salford City Council (Executive Lead on 0-25 Integration Test Case Emotional Health & Wellbeing into CAMHS).
Membership includes representation from:
- ICP Commissioners
- Salford City Council Commissioners
- CAMHS Manager & CAMHS Clinical Lead
- Adult Mental Health Commissioner
- Adult Mental Health Providers
- Educational Psychology
- Complex Needs / SEN Services
- Primary & Secondary School Heads
- Head of Safeguarding (SCC & ICP)
- Children's Social Care
- Integrated Youth Services
- Youth Offending Service
- Connexions
- Voluntary Sector Representatives
- Commissioned & non commissioned services
- Public Health
- GPs
- Community Nursing
- Community Paediatrician(s)
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